Thursday, June 26, 2008

Money Crunch

So what are you doing to save money now that gas is averaging over $4 a gallon? I have this new obsession, and really it is kind of nerdy. Samples!!! I am not talking about going to CostCo or Sam's on Saturday morning and getting lunch by samples. I am talking about searching out free samples on websites and sending away for the. Really it has almost become like a weird sick little game. Like tonight I found samples for a new Tide detergent, a new frizz ease repair serum, even pet supplies for the M-I-L's little dog. I know it's sick right? I just can't help it! It's Free!!! Whoopee!

What actually got me started was a news piece on the Today Show. It was all about free samples and what is out there that you can get for free. So I looked into it and have become addicted. I haven't told the Tall Kid yet, so when these packages start showing up I will half to fess up, hehe. But I am having fun while it lasts!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to the King!

Well today my guy turns the old age of 26. And boy does he look it!!! Jk! I put a picture of Matthew McConaughey because in a former life with more hair and a pre-marriage body, people said he resembled my guy. Anyways, I think he is still hottie and I will love him forever. So here's to you Birthday Boy!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just a Picture

I was looking at my blog and yes I changed the colors to look at little more summery, but I needed a picture. Since all of my pictures are hiding on a fried computer at the moment I thought I would find one on the net. Since we are going to Pismo soon I though I would give everyone a little taste of what we are lucky enough to go to this 4th of July. Yay! You can come too, but you have to find a place to stay, Sorry.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Crazy Busy!!!!

So let me tell you about my past month or so...

You all know that the tall kid and I moved to Southern Utah and found new jobs. It has been alot of fun! We have been on the Seadoo once already this summer and have planned to go many more times. I was able to go to Park City for a Vision Conference for work and had so much fun. I got to know the girls I work with on a more personal level and make some really good friends! My work is also taking all of us to the Tuacahn Theatre to see Les Miserables soon. We have been goofing off and overall just having alot of fun!

Next month we get to see the 1st daughter and family for the 4th of July at the beach. I am so excited! We have two nieces on the way soon! Our best friends are having a baby boy, so sort of like a nephew! So many babies in one summer its crazy and exciting all at the same time!

Besides all of the fun stuff we have been working hard and getting prepared to get in to Law School. I started my job about the middle of last month and have been working as an Optician and loving every minute of it. Well that was until our Biller went on Vacation last week and I filled in since I was the only one that knew how to do it. While filling in I found that the current biller had mad a slight oversight of the not keeping up on the aging report. To the tune of $186k. So needless to say she no longer works there and I am the new biller. Boo for her, YAY for me. It means a promotion in the Dr.'s eyes for me and a pay raise. Sweet! I also get to work better hours and no Saturdays!

Overall life is going pretty good and we are getting caught up on bills and getting settled in. Hope to hear from you all soon and I promise to write more now that life has slowed down a little bit for the being.