Monday, September 15, 2008


Well things are going pretty good around here. The Ozzman is getting bigger by the day and is adjusting well to being an inside dog. He can be a little grouchy when he is tired and hungry, but other than that he is a good boy. He has learned to sit and he will soon be learning to sit and walk on a leash. The tall kid and I are doing well. Unfortunetly he did not get a job that looked really promising, but life goes on. He will continue to study for law school and we will pursue that avenue. My job is going well, same old same old. You know the drill. Life overall is pretty good. We just had two neices born so we are pretty blessed. Life isn't all peaches and cream though. I don't want you to think that everything is just so wonderful and nothing is wrong. I ead a friends blog the other day and she said she hated it when people are nothing but cheery in their blogs, so here you go:o) Anyways for the most part life is good. Thanks for being there for me guys!


Brianna said...

Sorry about the job you guys, I know it is hard, and we would have wished you would have been able to get the one here, but apparently it wasn't supposed to be. But hey like you said life goes on, but it is hard. Just know I love you both, and am so thankful that you are there for me when I need it. Can't wait to see you soon!

The Pea said...

Things are not always rosy and peachy keen. However you are loves by a ton of people.
Good luck with everything. we will pray for you always!