Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just a Picture

I was looking at my blog and yes I changed the colors to look at little more summery, but I needed a picture. Since all of my pictures are hiding on a fried computer at the moment I thought I would find one on the net. Since we are going to Pismo soon I though I would give everyone a little taste of what we are lucky enough to go to this 4th of July. Yay! You can come too, but you have to find a place to stay, Sorry.


The1stdaughter said...

Ooooo...I can't wait I can't wait!!! We are going to have so much fun and the place is big enough that maybe we could accomidate a few more people...hehe!

Brianna said...

Not Fair!! Wish we could be there with everyone, but we know you all will have a good time. Love ya!

Robyn said...

we'll be there! I can hardly wait!!!! Then I'm going to see the other part of the family!!!! What a fun July!