Saturday, October 6, 2007

New couches!!!

After 2+ years of marriage and a year of single life use, we have finally passed on the old couches to some other soon-to-be newlywed couple. They were good to us and they were free, so hey what else could a young couple ask for! The couch started to feel like you were sitting in a hammock and the love seat had a rip in the arm and one of the panels were missing. So on to Furniture Row we went and found the perfect couches. Well actually we found the perfect couches at Asheley and Todd's house and knew they bought them at Furniture Row. So same couches different color. So here is the old and new!
Believe it or not the end table in the corner is still there. It just gives you an idea of how big these things are. The Tall guy who is 6'6" can stretch out and not have his feet or his head touch either side on the couch. They are so nice and wide that when I sit on them my feet don't touch the ground. It will be really nice for when we have company stay with us because the couch can serve as an actual comfortable place to sleep as opposed to our old couch. Sorry about those old ones for everyone who had to sleep on them. Next time will be much more enjoyable. So thanks to everyone for reading about my couches. I was just so excited I had to share it with you all!!


Gillian said...

Oh and by the way! It snowed 5 inches today. Yuck!! So sorry SoCal I am not really all that sad about your drought.

Robyn said...

What wonderful couches! They are great! I love the style.

Oh BTW I'm hitting you up for a meme.

S'mee said...

I really like the style of the couches and over sized chair! whoot!

Gillian said...

Thanks guys! They are so comfy! I can't wait to have you come up and see them! The chronicler for the MeMe I will do it shortly!

Brianna said...

Jealous, jealous, jealous!!!! I am excited that you finally got them, maybe someday we will get new couches. They are so nice, I can't wait to come up and sleep on the couch!!!

Amanda C. said...

Well I've had a couch craving ever since you showed these to me at the in law's house. I can honestly say that I must go see these in person at furnature row. Wow. they are beautiful!-Amanda

The Pea said...

I loved buying our first couches don't you feel so grown up!! FUN!